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The Earth Crisis under the Impact of Cosmic Negative Energy: Warning and Action in 2025

Writer's picture: Master Lu XiaMaster Lu Xia

In 2025, the Earth is encountering an unprecedented cosmic energy impact. The Meta-

Universe (1) (i.e., the chaotic energy field in the fourth and fifth dimensions (2) is releasing

a tremendous amount of negative energy towards the Earth due to magnetic field

imbalance. This energy collision not only destabilises the energy operational trajectory

in the three-dimensional space of the Earth but also poses a severe threat to the

continuation of human civilisation. (Earth Crisis)

Image 1: Cosmic energy impact

Cosmic Enrgy Impact


(1)Meta-Universe refers to the Universe invisible to our eyes. The Universe can be classified into visible Universe

(one this is visible to our eyes) and Meta-Universe (invisible to us)

(2)In Lu Xia Cosmic Energy Magnetic Field Information Conservation Law, the Universe can be categorised into 12 dimensions. We are currently in 3rd dimensions. The 4th and 5th dimensions are invisible to us are in Meta-Universe

Image 2: Different aspects of The Universe

Aspects of the Universe

I have been dedicated to researching the operational rules of the cosmic energy

magnetic field for three decades. With deep love and a sense of responsibility for

human civilisation, I call on us to attach importance to the balance of cosmic energy

and the protection of the Earth's environment. This article of mine is not only a scientific

warning but also a profound spiritual calling - allowing us to re-examine our

relationship with the Universe and nature and find the path of love and harmony.

The Root and Crisis of the Negative Universe Impact

According to the "Lu Xia Cosmic Energy Magnetic Field Information Conservation

Law", positive and negative energy in the Universe need to maintain a dynamic

balance. The Meta-Universe is the energy convergence point in the fourth and fifth

dimensions, containing un-harmonised negative energy fields. When this energy

breaks through the dimensional barrier and floods into the three-dimensional space,

the Earth's magnetic field will become disordered due to negative energy overload,

thereby triggering natural disasters and social crises.

In 2025, the energy impact of the Meta-Universe is accelerating the occurrence of

global disasters:

1. Frequent extreme natural disasters

* Earthquakes: The disorder of the Earth's magnetic field leads to intense crustal

movements, and large-scale earthquakes will affect the entire globe, even geological

stable areas like Singapore will not be spared.

* Floods and fires: Uncontrolled climate triggers frequent floods and forest fires, turning

large areas of land into ruins.

* Diseases and epidemics: The interference of negative energy on the human immune

system exposes humanity to the threat of new viruses, and the public health system

is on the verge of collapse.

2. Collapse of the biological chain and ecological disorder

* The infiltration of Meta-Universe energy leads to the invasion of unknown organisms

to the Earth. They disrupt the ecological balance, are highly predatory and adaptive,

and threaten the survival of the original species on the Earth.

* The mass extinction of species further weakens the ecosystem, and the global

environment enters an irreversible decline.

3. The survival test of human civilisation

* Natural disasters and social disorders are intertwined, and the civilised infrastructure

cannot withstand it, leading to chaos on a global scale.

* The human spirit and consciousness are disturbed by the Meta-Universe energy, the

mental health crisis intensifies, and the collective consciousness is on the verge of


Image 3: Three energy impact of the Meta-Universe on Earth

Meta- universe energy impact on earth

Lu Xia's Cosmic Energy Theory: Enlightenment in Crisis

My research not only reveals the hazards of cosmic meta-Universe energy but also

points out the solutions for us. I emphasise that the balance of cosmic energy is closely

related to human behaviour, and protecting the Earth's environment and enhancing

the positive energy field is the only way out.

1. The energy relationship between the Universe and the Earth

* The Earth is not only the home of humanity but also an important component of the

cosmic energy magnetic field. Human destruction of the environment exacerbates the

instability of the magnetic field, creating conditions for the infiltration of Meta-Universe


* By protecting the Earth's ecology, reducing pollution and resource waste, we can aid

with the recovery of the positive energy magnetic field.

2. The construction and dissemination of the positive energy field

* The enhancement of positive energy requires everyone to start from within,

influencing the world around through good thoughts, actions and love.

* I have always advocated the global "Positive Energy Field Movement", encouraging

collective meditation, environmental protection actions and spiritual growth to counter

the spread of negative energy.

Image 4: What the whole human civilisation can do to contribute to reinstall

positive energy

Reinstall Positive Energy

The Mission of Humanity: Building a Future of Love and Harmony

Facing the challenge of the Meta-Universe, humanity is not powerless. I have always

believed that love and positive energy are the core forces to resolve the crisis. We not

only need to take actions at the material level but also enhance our consciousness at

the spiritual level to fulfil our responsibilities to the Universe, the Earth and ourselves.

1. Protect the environment and restore the Earth's magnetic field

* Reducing carbon emissions, promoting green energy, protecting forests and water

resources are the basis for restoring the stability of the Earth's magnetic field.

* Encourage everyone to reduce waste, choose a sustainable lifestyle and contribute

to ecological restoration.

2. Enhance the positive energy of individuals and the collective

* Set aside time for meditation every day, connect to inner peace and love, and

influence the surrounding magnetic field through conscious energy.

* Treat others with kindness, care for nature, start from small things, and let the

frequency of positive energy gradually cover the globe.

3. Build a global positive energy alliance

* I call for the establishment of a transnational "Cosmic Energy Guardians Alliance",

uniting scientists, spiritual mentors and ordinary people to jointly study and promote

practical methods of energy balance.

* Propose the establishment of "Earth Energy Balance Day" to arouse more people's

attention and participation in protecting the balance of the Earth and the Universe.

Image 5: Call to action on what we can contribute to reinstall positive energy

Call to Action

A Hopeful Future

If humanity can awaken and face the impact of the Meta- Universe with love and

wisdom, the Earth and human civilisation will embrace a comprehensive rebirth:

1. Reduction of natural disasters

* After the magnetic field restores balance, the operational trajectory of nature returns

to normal, and extreme events such as earthquakes and floods are significantly


2. Recovery of the ecosystem

* The dominance of positive energy will create a vibrant natural environment,

endangered species will reproduce again, and humanity and nature will coexist in


3. The rise of spiritual civilisation

* Driven by the positive energy field, humanity will move towards a higher spiritual

civilisation, people will be more friendly to each other, and society will be more


Image 6: Hopeful future when we take actions

Hopeful future when we take actions

My Call: Let's Take Action

The detonation of cosmic negative energy is an ultimate test of human wisdom and

love. Lu Xia's three decades of research tells us: Protecting the Earth's environment

and maintaining the balance of cosmic energy is our mission and our commitment to

the future.

At this critical moment, let's use love, good deeds and wisdom to reconnect to the

positive energy field of the Universe. No matter where you are or who you are, every

effort is injecting the light of hope into the Earth.

Start today, take action, for the Earth, for the Universe, and for our future!

Author: Lu Xia


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